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60-90 min call over Google Meet or Discord


Are you ready to take your skills to the next level?

This session is designed to help you reach your full potential. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced producer seeking to refine your craft.

During the tailored coaching session, I can provide you with valuable insights, techniques, and feedback specific to your goals and musical style.

  • In-Depth feedback on your track
  • Work on your song together
  • Learn production techniques
  • Deep dive into sound design
  • Setting goals and create roadmap for success
  • Work on next steps to grow as a producer


Do you want to finally get noticed and build a loyal audience?

This session is designed to help you grow your fanbase on social media. I will help you connect with your audience, promote your music, and build a strong online presence. Whether you are a beginner looking to gain your first 1000 followers or an established producer aiming to expand your reach even further.

Here are some things we can talk about in this coaching session:

  • Learn to build an engaged audience
  • The right platform selection
  • Improve your content strategy
  • Develop your unique brand & identity
  • Optimize your profiles for discoverability
  • Deep dive into your analytics


Are you willing to take this music career seriously and want me to support you on this journey?

This mentoring program consists of weekly calls where we discuss and work towards achieving your goals and developing you as an artist. You will also get priority access to me and my knowledge through direct messaging on Instagram or Discord, so we can follow up on any questions in between the calls.

Here are some key points that this mentoring program can cover and how it can benefit you:

  • Develop your artist brand
  • Build a sustainable & successful career
  • Significantly improve the quality of your music
  • Getting signed by record labels
  • Overall personal and professional growth
  • Long-term support on your journey

Choose a pricing plan

Coaching Session

60-90 min. Coaching Call

Mentoring Program

5x 60-90 min. Coaching Calls

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please send me an email!